Hey guys!
Ok well this weekIi have a lot to tell you guys so i hope that there is enough time to get all of it said! But to start off, Happy Birthday to Grandad on Wednesday! I love you so much Grandad, and I will be thinking about you a lot, of course, in this week. You are such a special person, and one of my heroes in life.

Ok, so to start off with a funny story that happened to us during this week. The other day we were leaving the house, and all of a sudden I hear Elder Hirst getting all ticked off. I turned around to see that he had been hit right in the shirt with an egg! haha. I almost peed my pants laughing, and it was this little troublemaker that lives right in front of us that threw it! He is always doing a bunch of junk, and we wanted to go pay him back a nice one, but with us being missionaries and stuff, we can't really do that!
Now onto the really cool experiences of the week. First was the baptism of Reina´s sister, Lorena. She progressed great in this last week, and was able to be baptized on Saturday night. Lorena is the one that can't really speak too well, and when we first got there, she was really shy and didn't really want to talk to us, but she really warmed up to us and all of the people in the church as well. They even gave her a calling as well yesterday, right after they confirmed her, so that was pretty awesome! She is happy and feels like a big space in her life has been filled. But there was a story about the baptism which was another crazy story. We went to the church at 12 to start filling up the pila (font). There is a security guard there that works 24/7, so we left him in charge of turning off the water when it got filled to the top. We told him that we would be back at six to set everything up for the baptism at 7. So when we get back at 6 o clock. There is water pouring out the front door of the church! Every missionaries nightmare! The security guy says, "I went into clean the sacrament room and when I came out, it was flooding!" There was so much water in all of the church though, and I am almost positive that the guy fell asleep and forgot about the water. I would say there was a solid inch or two of water in every room of the church, besides the sacrament room. Wow! That was really hectic. We didn't even start the baptism until 8 because of all of the cleaning that we had to do, but it ended up being a way spiritual experience so it is all good! Reina was so happy to see her sister enter the waters of baptism. She has now shared the gospel with her son, daughter in law and her sister. How cool is that?
The other family that we are teaching didn't come to church with us this week, so we will have to see what is up with them this week. I will let you know how our visits with them go. We brought these two other people to the church and they really liked it as well, so i will keep you posted on how everyone is progressing. I would imagine that the next week will be the last week that I write you from this area. I think I will be rolling in 2 weeks, which I am kind of sad about, because I really love this place, and my comp! The members are great, and really help us out a lot with everything.
So today for p-day we went to the pyramids again! It was really fun! Our zone leaders had never gone, so they asked President if we could go as a district, and he gave us permission to go. We rented out this little van for about 110 pesos each person to go down there, and then we just spent the day down there again. It is a really cool place and there was only one thing i wanted to buy.... A mexican poncho! haha. There was this sick one, but they were all trying to sell it to me for like 400 pesos. I told myself that I was not going to buy it unless they offered it to me for 200 pesos! I went to every single little store that had them and the closest I got was 220. So I was going to walk away empty handed when this guy chased me down and offered it to me for 200! haha. Jackpot! It is a sick one and you will see the picture of it today!
Well i love you all! The church is true, and Mexico is boss!
Elder Holmes