Hi Family. Our family was in Mexico last week (Cabo) and so I didn't have a chance to send out Scott's e-mail. I'm including below his e-mail from last week and one from today. There are also some cute pictures he has included at the end. Thanks for your continued interest in Scott. We sure love you all.......Carolann
Letter from Monday, June 4th, 2012
Well I am glad that you guys are just living the life down here in Mexico and that you all are just loving mi tierra! The funny thing is that my convert Andres and his wife were just in cabo 2 weeks ago. That would have been pretty cool if you would have run into them! I cant believe that you guys are so close to me, but at the same time so far. I tell everyone that you are down here and their first question is always, "are they going to come visit you?" I just tell them that you don't really love or miss me, so probably not! haha. Just kiddding.
Well i want to give the birthday shoutout to Alex Holmes on the 5th and Jill Marler on the 8th of this week. I hope that they are special days for you both and that you know I am thinking about you down here in Mexico.
Well I don't know what is up lately, but it has been extremely hard for my companion and me. We have been getting owned in these last couple weeks. But not to get too down, because there are still some positive things that are going on. To answer your questions about Rosio: she is pregnant and so she is always getting sick, and it is really hard for her to progress because she isn't able to come to church on Sunday. That pushes back the baptismal date that they have. But Gerardo said that he still wants to be baptized this next Sunday, so we will see what happens with him. Rosio has totally recieved an answer from God. We had this awesome experience with them that just grew her faith so much. Last Saturday Gerardo was really stressed out, as he has been looking for a job for a long time. We went over to his house and I told him that I was going to give him a blessing to help him find a job. He wasn't too excited because he was pretty bummed out, but during my blessing, I remember telling him that if he did the things that the Lord asks of him, then he will find a job. Well so Sunday he and his wife came to church and on Monday morning, Gerardo gets a call from two different places offering him jobs. He called his wife and told her and she said the first thing she thought about was the elders and the blessing that I had given to her husband. She told us that she felt something so amazing that she couldn't even describe it in words. It was a great testimony builder for me, as well, as to the power of the priesthood that we have, and that it is the only church on the earth that has such authority from God.
Well other than that, we didn't have any new people in church on Sunday and we were pretty bummed out about the whole thing, but as I was reading in my studies that morning, I felt prompted that we should stop worrying, and just get to work. I have stopped worrying, and have just put my faith in God that He will help us when we are doing the things that He asks.
Well that is about all that I have. I hope that you guys have a great trip, and just know that I love you all so much.
Elder Holmes
Letter from Monday, June 11th, 2012
Hey! Happy birthday to my little brother today! I can't believe that you are already 19 years old bro! You could be leaving on the mission right now! That is a crazy thought, but hey i am glad that you aren't leaving till next year, because then maybe I will be able to see you! Also birthday shout out to the other Nick, that would be Nick Chilton on Wednesday! I also hope that you have a great day and to be honest, I don't really know how old you are turning, but I'm pretty sure it's old enough to at least get married! haha. Just kidding. NO pressure baby!
Well the highlight of this week was that GERARDO GOT BAPTIZED. Yeah baby! It was a really special day for him. We had his baptismal service on Saturday and then he was confirmed on Sunday in church. We did it that way so he can baptize his wife this next Sunday, when he receives the Aaronic Priesthood. He is really excited and keeps telling me to teach him how to baptize! SO the service was reallly nice and a lot of people from the ward came to support him. He asked me to baptize him, which was kind of surprising because there were a couple members from the ward that he is really close with, but he wanted me to baptize him instead. He is an awesome guy and his testimony has grown so much over the time since I have met him. I remember when I met him for the very first time and all I could think was "this guy has got a long time before he ever really looks into the church seriously." But miracle after miracle passed with him and he was completely ready to be baptized on Saturday. He is an amazing guy and has helped us so much with his wife, as well.
Well yesterday we received cambios, and the only change in our district is that Elder Hyde left. He was like my best friend here in the mission and it was really tough to see him go. He always was so pumped up and we got really close over the time that we have had here. SO I will be here in my area for another month and a half with my comp Elder Hirst and then I will be leaving here. Time is passing by really fast and I have loved the time that I have here with my comp.
Well i cant really think of anything else that is new! I will let you all know the progress of Rocio this next week and if she also decides to be baptized! Your trip to Cabo sure looked like you all had a blast. I really appreciate the photos that you sent. I sure do miss the whole fam a bunch but I know why I am here and what I need to do. Love you all,
Elder Holmes
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